❓Buy/Convert UB/VUB

Buy UB Tokens?

đŸ’Ģ Buy UB Tokens (Visit Contract Address for details) via Uniswap đŸ’Ģ Buy UB Tokens via UTOPIA swap www.utopiabot.app/utopiaswap

Buy VUB Tokens?

đŸ’Ģ Buy VUB through OTC (Over The counter) deals when available in UTOPIA Dashboard, to understand more detail on this, please visit BUY/SELL UB/VUB Tokens

How to Convert your existing UB (Blockchain UB) Tokens for VUB (Virtual UB)?

  • Login to your UTOPIA Dashboard https://utopiabot.app/login

  • Go to Account Settings

  • Under UB/VUB section, click on the green deposit button

  • You should then see the screen as shown below

  • Select the relevant registered wallet you wish to send the UB from

  • Copy the address shown below under the barcode

  • Manually send the required UB Tokens to this address via your metamask wallet

  • Once received the equivalent VUB will be credited instantly and can be used straight away to use in the ecosystem

  • Transaction log will be shown of all your deposits

⚠ī¸ There are no taxes applied when converting UB to VUB. If you send 100,000 UB, then 100,000 VUB will be credited to your account 1 VUB = 1 UB (All VUB is allocated on a 1:1 basis)

Last updated